School Newsletter Term 1, Week 10, April 1st 2021
Principals Letter
Dear St Augustine's families,
Today we finished off an amazing term with the House Captains running a very successful House Day. The children were so excited and had an absolute ball coming to school dressed in house colours and participating with their peers and buddies.
We then gathered for the Holy Week liturgy and the children all spoke with reverence and were reflective of the importance of this week, giving thanks for the Risen Lord and his love for us all.
During this liturgy children brought forward beautiful artwork completed by each classroom depicting the events of Holy Week.
This art work will now be displayed around our school.
Another highlight to many children was the return of lunch orders. Thanks to Nicole for enabling this to happen to finish off the term in place of fish and chip day. Lunch orders will continue next term each Friday from WEEK 2, 30th April
YEAR OF ST JOSEPH Pope Francis on December 8, 2020 published an
Apostolic Letter Patris corde (With a Father’s Heart), commemorating the 150th
anniversary of the declaration of Saint Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church.
To mark the occasion, the Holy Father has proclaimed a “Year of St Joseph”,
running from December 8, 2020 to December 8, 2021. A number of resources have
been developed to encourage and support the celebration of the Year of St Joseph.
These are available from the ACBC website:
Life brings us all kinds of challenges. For people of faith in the risen Lord, one of the greatest was our being unable to publicly celebrate together Holy Week and Easter last year. We’re grateful beyond words for this weekend being able to gather to celebrate and be blessed by the event that gives humanity and all of creation its greatest meaning as we rejoice with those at the empty tomb and those ever since in proclaiming: “Alleluia! Jesus is Risen!” God’s unwavering love for us and faith in us amidst our insecurities, failings and misdeeds shines a light in the darkest of places and enables us to rejoice in the risen Lord this day and forever. “Alleluia! Alleluia!
Term 2 will commence on Monday 19th April 2021. All children will be welcome to join us for breakfast from 8.45am. We will have cheese and vegemite scrolls and fruit. The children will have a chance to enjoy extra time with their friends and teachers with classes beginning at 9.30am.
Thank you for your continued understanding around the COVID restrictions this term. Updates will continue to be posted to Class Dojo.
Wishing everyone a happy and safe Easter break.
Many blessings,
Mrs Sonia Turner
My New Gallery
Happy Birthday to...
Clayton - Yr 4 Nash - Yr 3 Scarlett - Yr 3 Ava - Yr 2
Emmie - Yr F Georgie - Yr 5 Airlie - Yr 4 Zack - Yr 6
Abigail - Yr 5 Savannah - Yr F Kaleb - Yr 6 Olivia - Yr 3
Jedd - Yr 4 Charlotte - Yr 6 James - Yr 6 Edie - Yr 5
Tate - Yr 6
STAR Students
Our STARs for Term 1 enjoyed a special morning tea on Wednesday. Congratulations and well done on your efforts!
Spencer B - Foundation S
Amelia T - Foundation S
Zaiden E - 5/6B
Rylee H - 5/6B
Tegan A - 5/6B
Isaac M - Foundation Wood
Elizabeth B - Foundation Wood
Harper S - ART
Jedd A - ART
Charlie M - Digital Technology
Katee T - Digital Technology
Nikita D - 1/2 VR
Hugo R - 1/2 VR
Sophia W - 1/ 2 James
Reef M - 1/ 2 James
Tyson S - 1/2 Carey
Amelia E - 1/2 Carey
Charlotte H - 3/4 Seers
Charlie G - 3/4 Seers
Olly R - 3/4J
Jack H - 3/4J
Ruby M - Respectful R/ Indo
Evie M - Respectful R / Indo
Annalee R - 5/6T
Jed C - 5/6T
Baxter P - 3/4 G
Ella M - 3/4 G
Jase C - 5/6U
Rubie H - 5/6U
Freddy B - 3/4 T
Anna M - 3/4 T
Hardy H - PE
Hayden B - PE
At St Augustine's we are a SWPBIS school (School Wide Positive Behaviour in School) and we have a STAR culture. STAR stands for:
S - stay safe
T - take pride
A - act justly
R - respond positively
Just like children are explicitly taught academics, acceptable behaviour is also explicitly taught. STAR awards are given at Assembly each fortnight, exceptional STARs are sent a postcard which qualifies them to morning tea with the Principal at the end of the term.
STAR lessons are taught around a nominated behaviour blitz. Children are taught how to be a STAR in all places they go and what the acceptable behaviour looks like. Examples of a lessons: how to stay safe in class, in the library, the toilet, at the bus stop, on the playground or when walking to the swimming pool.
Mothers Day Stall
The Mother's Day Stall will run on Tuesday 4th & Wednesday 5th May 2021.
We welcome donations of any little gifts for the stall which can be dropped into the school office. We will need helpers on the day but more details will be provided in Term 2, Week 1.
School Fees and Payment Information
Canteen will be open every Friday in Term 2 beginning Week 2, Friday 30th April. All orders must be placed through CDFPay by 9.30am each Friday. No cash is accepted. Please see link below and instructions for setup.
The canteen will not be open in Term 2, Week 1, 23rd April.
Uniform Shop
Either Winter or Summer uniform to be worn at the beginning of Term 2. Winter uniform changeover date to be advised in Term 2.
Please make all uniform purchases through the CDFPay portal.
All orders will continue to be filled once a week and sent home with your child. If you have any uniform enquiries, please contact the school office.
Parish News
St. Augustines Church 1897
Please see link below for the latest Parish Bulletin.
PAM - Parent Access Module
We require families to complete and update their child/ren’s medical details and contact information through PAM as changes occur. This information is mandatory and vital in the case of an emergency. It is important that if you have any change to your contact numbers, including work place, mobile, home number, that these be updated through PAM.
To complete your child/rens medical profile including contact information, go to PAM, click on your child/rens name, go to 'Medical Profile' and click 'Edit Details'. Complete details then click in the box at the bottom of the page to confirm the details are correct and click ‘Update Details’.
If you have any questions or require your login details, please contact the school office.
COVID Guidlines
Student Illness & Absence
If your child is unwell please keep them at home.
This includes coughs, colds, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea and any other contagious illnesses.
Coughs & Colds
Children can return to school once symptoms have eased and they are not actively coughing or blowing their nose.
Vomitting & Diarrhea
Children can return to school 48 hours after the last episode.
We will send children home if they present with any of these symptoms whilst at school.
Notifying Absences
All absentee notifications should be recorded either through the Parent Access Module (PAM) or directly to the school office by phone or email to prior to 9.30am on the day of the absence. Please do not send notes of absence through to classroom teachers on Class Dojo as they may be absent or unable to check messages prior to commencement of class.
If a student is absent and we have not received any form of notification by 9.30am, a text message will be sent to parents asking them to call the office or send a reply text.
Book Club
Community Notices
Parking & Road Safety
Please observe road rules around our school for the safety of all of our children.
* Schools have 40km zone.
* Parking behind the church & tennis courts is STAFF ONLY parking.
* Please use the children's crossing on Burns, Kars St and Burke St.
* For safety purposes, please avoid letting your children exit or enter a car whilst on the road or stopped at the crossings.
There are three minute parking bays in Burke Street outside the school entrance. Your co-operation in only parking in this area for the specified time would be appreciated. These parking bays are for quick pick up and drop off for students leaving early due to appointments and illness.
Likewise we also ask parents to respect the parking restriction on the disabled parking area.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Bus Travel
Bus travel on the country buses is available for students at St Augustine’s School and arrangements are made through the bus co-ordinator at the Maryborough Education Centre on 5461 7900. Parents of the student/s must organise the pass through MEC at least two days prior to travel. Students cannot travel on the country buses without a pass. The town bus does not require a pass but costs 50cents a trip, payable on the day of travel. Please advise the office if your child will be travelling on any of the buses so we can update our bus rolls.
Advanced dates for your diary
School Closure Days - Staff PD
Tuesday 17th August
Wednesday 17th November
Children do not attend school on these days.