School Newsletter Term 4, Week 6, 10th November 2022
Principals Letter
Friday Fun Day
Happy Birthday to...
Energy Break through Sponsorship
Book Club Issue 8
**UPDATED** COVID Guidelines
STAR Students
PAM - Parent Access Module
Bell times
Parking & Road Safety
Child Safety
Students with underlying conditions
Cyber Safety
Supervision of Students Information for Parents
School Fees and Payment Information
Bus Travel
Uniform Shop
Student Illness & Absence
Lunch Box Ideas
Parish News
Advanced dates for your diary
Community Notices
Principals Letter

Dear St Augustine's families,
We have been in Energy Breakthrough mode this term with our year 5/6 students training and preparing for next weeks big event. Wishing our teams all the best for their events and presentations. Thank you to both staff and parent helpers for all their time and effort that has been put in leading up to EBT and throughout next week. Without this dedication and help we would not be able to provide this wonderful opportunity to our senior students.
World Teacher's Day 28th October - We celebrated World Teacher's Day last Wednesday with a special morning tea to acknowledge the dedication and commitment of our teachers. The theme for World Teachers' Day 2022 was “The transformation of education begins with teachers”. It is a day to celebrate how teachers are transforming education but also to reflect on the support they need to fully deploy their talent and vocation, and to rethink the way ahead for the profession globally.
Foundation Transition - begins next week when we welcome all our 2023 Foundation students to school on Monday 14 November from 9-10.45am. Transition dates and information as per image below.
2023 Staffing Update & Class Structures- We welcome Mrs Moira McNamara to our staff for 2023.
Class Structure for 2023;
3 x Foundation/Year 1 classes
2 x Year 2 classes
3 x Year 3/4 classes
4 x Year 5/6 classes
Friday Coffee & Chat - We are opening our Marian Centre every Friday (except EBT Friday 18/11 ) afternoon from 2.30pm until the end of term to welcome families to come and have a cuppa and meet other families in our school community. Over the past couple of years we have not been able to engage with our school community in the way that we have prior to COVID. We hope by welcoming our families back that new friendships and connections are made and the we can help foster more involvement between our parent community and the school.
Eucharist - This years Eucharist candidates enjoyed a preparation day today with Mrs Balzan and Father John. The whole school gathered together in the church for a school mass to celebrate ahead of the completion of the sacrament at this weekends church services. Classes and students have made cards for our Eucharist candidates to congratulate and wish them well for the weekend.
'Receiving the sacraments is a special time in our journey of faith, and it is the means by which baptised children can complete their journey into full membership of the Catholic Church. They are community events, which remind us of the role of the community in our faith life.'
Congratulation to our Eucharist candidates!
Isla L | Liam L |
Charlie G | Izayah & Sienna M |
Millie T | Jack H |
Ed B | Angus B |
Brock L | Angus B |
Pippa B | Freddy B |
Anna M | Tyson S |
Mackenzie D | Noah L |
Mason V | Lily G |
Harry M | Ella M |
Alex W | Hudson & Clayton B |
Lucas M | Harrison D |
Olivia B | Baxter P |
Olivia O | Georgia B |
Rose J |
Friday Fun Day - Rather than a ‘Fair’ this year we will be having a Friday Fun Day on the 9th December with our students. Each class will organise an activity for other students to engage in. All activities will be free for students to participate in aside from the prepurchased showbags available through CDFPay shortly. Please see below list of stall and donations required for each classroom. If you are able to donate any items, please drop them to the school office or send them with your child(ren).
Canteen - There will be no canteen Friday 18th November due to Energy Breakthrough.
This Friday is Remembrance Day - we remember all those whose lives have been torn apart by war. Those who have served their country in the armed forces and those on active duty. We remember those whose lives have been changed forever by the experience of war in their lands and especially those who have died. We remember the people of Ukraine and the many parts of our world who have lost their lives innocently in the immense tragedy of war. We recommit ourselves to peace on occasions such as Remembrance Day.
Many Blessings,
Sonia Turner
My New Gallery

Friday Fun Day
Donations needed please!! If you are able to assist with any of the following items it would be greatly appreciated! Donations can be dropped off to the office or sent in with your child(ren) to school.

Happy Birthday to...

Stella H- Year 6 Keegan H - Year 6 Taiya K- Year 3
Angus B - Year 4 Charlie P - Year 4 Danika A- Year 6
Reegan D - Foundation Alexah T - Year 4
Energy Break through Sponsorship

Book Club Issue 8

Catalogues were sent home with students this week. Orders for Issue 8 Bookclub are due in by Thursday 1st December, 2022.
All orders are to be placed online through LOOP.

Link to the 'Our Diocesan Community' magazine for November.
**UPDATED** COVID Guidelines
Changes to Pandemic Orders
The Victorian Government has announced the end of the pandemic declaration and associated pandemic orders. New settings apply from 11.59 pm on Wednesday 12 October 2022.
Changes to COVID-19 isolation requirements.
It is strongly recommended that students:
- Who test positive for COVID-19 should stay home and isolate for five days.
- Should not attend school after five days if still symptomatic.
- Who are symptomatic but have not tested positive should not attend school.
Where students become symptomatic at school, they should:
- Be collected by their parents/carers.
- Undergo testing for COVID-19.
COVID-19 reporting requirements.
The Department of Health recommends that a person who tests positive for COVID-19 should inform those with whom they have recently been in contact, including their workplace, school and household.
Face masks.
Staff and students who wish to wear a face mask will be supported to do so. Face masks are available for staff, students and visitors.
The Department of Health recommends that masks should be worn by a person who is a close contact of someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 when leaving home.
Additionally, the department recommends that masks should be worn by a person who has COVID-19 for 10 days after a positive test when they need to leave home.
Further information to follow on Class Dojo.
STAR Students

At St Augustine's we are a SWPBIS school (School Wide Positive Behaviour in School) and we have a STAR culture. STAR stands for:
S - stay safe
T - take pride
A - act justly
R - respond positively
Just like children are explicitly taught academics, acceptable behaviour is also explicitly taught. STAR awards are given at Assembly each fortnight, exceptional STARs are sent a postcard which qualifies them to morning tea with the Principal at the end of the term.
STAR lessons are taught around a nominated behaviour blitz. Children are taught how to be a STAR in all places they go and what the acceptable behaviour looks like. Examples of a lessons: how to stay safe in class, in the library, the toilet, at the bus stop, on the playground or when walking to the swimming pool.

If you call the office and the phone is unattended or busy, please leave a message. Messages are checked regularly throughout the day. Often there is only one person in the office and they may be busy on another call or with a student or parent. Alternatively you can email a message through to or send a class dojo through to Ms O'Kearney. Please try and avoid last minute end of day changes for students. We understand that things do come up and if a change needs to be urgently relayed to your child/ren, please call and speak with the office so we can make sure they get the message immediately.
PAM - Parent Access Module

We require ALL families to complete and update their child/ren’s medical details and contact information for 2022 through PAM and throughout the year as changes occur.
This information is mandatory and vital in the case of an emergency. It is important that if you have any change to your contact numbers, including work place, mobile, home number, that these be updated through PAM and to advise the school office.
To complete your child/rens medical profile including contact information, go to PAM, click on your child/rens name, go to 'Medical Profile' and click 'Edit Details'. Complete details then click in the box at the bottom of the page to confirm the details are correct and click ‘Update Details’.
If you have any questions or require your login details, please contact the school office.

All orders must be placed through CDFPay prior to 9.00am Fridays. Please ensure you complete all orders on CDFPay and proceed through payment screen to the green receipt screen.
Please contact the office if you are having any issues with your CDFPay account.
Canteen will be closed Friday 18th November due to EBT
Bell times

5 minutes prior to classes commencing there is music played. This signals to the children it is time to start moving to class. This is the time children need to have a drink, go to the toilet etc. so they are lined up and ready to start class when the bell goes.
8:30am - Yard Care Supervision begins
8:40am - Classroom teacher in classroom - meet & greet
8:55pm - School classes begin
9am-11am - 2 hour learning session
11am-11:40am - First break
11:40am-1:40pm - 2 hour learning session
1:40pm-2:20pm - Second break
2:20pm-3:15pm - 55 minute learning session
3:10pm - Fiscalini & Flanagan dismissal
3:15pm - Arundell & Scanlan, Bus students dismissal
Parking & Road Safety

There are three minute parking bays in Burke Street outside the school entrance. Your co-operation in only parking in this area for the specified time would be appreciated. These parking bays are for quick pick up and drop off for students leaving early due to appointments and illness.
Likewise we also ask parents to respect the parking restriction on the disabled parking area.
Parking behind the church & tennis courts is STAFF ONLY parking. Please do not use these areas to park or pickup your children. Vehicle movement in and out of these areas means you are driving over footpaths/walkways which both our students and Highview students are using. This creates a potential safety hazard.
Follow road safety regulations, keep driveways clear, check carefully before reversing and avoid letting your children exit or enter a car whilst on the road or stopped at the crossings. Please do not double park. We all want to keep our families safe so your co-operation is appreciated.
Please observe road rules around our school for the safety of all of our children.
* Schools have 40km zone.
* Parking behind the church & tennis courts is STAFF ONLY parking.
* Please use the children's crossing on Burns, Kars St and Burke St.
* For safety purposes, please avoid letting your children exit or enter a car whilst on the road or stopped at the crossings. Please do not double park.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Child Safety
St. Augustine's Primary School Maryborough demonstrates a strong commitment to the care, safety and wellbeing of all students at our school.
Each fortnight we will be sharing information around child safety and the obligations that we have as a school, staff and community. All of our Child Safe policies and procedures are accessible on our website at
Students with underlying conditions

Recent and most up to date information for children in schools:
Students with underlying conditions (such as hay fever or asthma)
If a student has persistent symptoms due to an underlying condition such as hay fever or asthma, the student should still be tested for COVID-19 if they develop symptoms that are different to or worse than their usual symptoms. Students whose symptoms are clearly typical for their underlying condition can continue to attend school.
Parents/carers should also consider getting a medical certificate from the child’s treating GP to confirm that it is safe for them to attend school with persistent symptoms that may overlap with some of the symptoms of COVID-19 such as cough or runny nose.
Young children with persistent mild symptoms
For younger children (in Prep to Year 2) who have had a negative COVID-19 test that was taken after they developed symptoms, the decision about return to school should be made in conjunction with the child’s treating GP. If the GP is satisfied the child has recovered from their acute illness, is otherwise well and does not need a repeat COVID-19 test, the child can return even if they are not completely free of symptoms. Any worsening of symptoms will require review and repeat COVID-19 testing, if considered appropriate by the doctor.
Students with a negative COVID-19 test whose symptoms have completely resolved do not need a medical certificate to return to school.
Cyber Safety

Each fortnight we will post helpful eSafety information for students and families here.
Kids Health - Online Safety
Supervision of Students Information for Parents
School Fees and Payment Information
REMINDER: All fees to be paid prior to the end of November 2022
Fees can be paid via direct credit into the school bank account or at the school office.
St. Augustine's Primary School
BSB: 083-532 ACC: 754337515
Reference: Your surname and/or account number
2022 school fee structure as per below.
Bus Travel

Bus travel on the country buses is available for students at St Augustine’s School and arrangements are made through the bus co-ordinator, Benedict Stewart, at the Maryborough Education Centre on 5461 7900. Parents of the student/s must organise the pass through MEC at least two days prior to travel. Students cannot travel on the country buses without a pass. The town bus does not require a pass but costs 50cents a trip, payable on the day of travel. Please advise the office if your child will be travelling on any of the buses so we can update our bus rolls.
All bus travel requires parents/guardians to complete a Public Transport Victoria (PTV) Application for Permission to Travel form prior to any bus travel. This form can be emailed direct to Ben Stewart at MEC, It is important that this form is completed as these details will be used in the event of an emergency.
Uniform Shop

Term 4 - Bucket Hats are compulsory when outdoors at school.
Bucket Hats are available for purchase through CDFPay or cash purchases from the school office in Term 4 for $10 each.
The uniform shop will continue to fill CDFPay online orders once a week and send them home with your child/ren. Please understand that there may be times that orders are not filled within the week and will be filled the following week.
Note: As per 2021 announcement, there is no longer a designated period for summer or winter uniform. Students can choose what they would like to wear in any season. The only exception is that sports uniform must be worn on designated sports days and bucket hats are to be worn in Term 1 and 4.
Student Illness & Absence

If your child is unwell please keep them at home.
This includes coughs, colds, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea and any other contagious illnesses.
Coughs & Colds
Children can return to school once symptoms have eased and they are not actively coughing or blowing their nose.
Vomitting & Diarrhoea
Children can return to school 48 hours after the last episode.
We will send children home if they present with any of these symptoms whilst at school.
Notifying Absences
All absentee notifications should be recorded either through the Parent Access Module (PAM) or directly to the school office by phone or email to prior to 9.30am on the day of the absence. Please do not send notes of absence through to classroom teachers on Class Dojo as they may be absent or unable to check messages prior to commencement of class.
If a student is absent and we have not received any form of notification by 9.30am, a text message will be sent to parents asking them to call the office or send a reply text.
Lunch Box Ideas

Parish News

St. Augustines Church 1897
Please see link below for the latest Parish Bulletin & readings.
Advanced dates for your diary
Term 4, 2022
Energy Breakthrough Wednesday 16-20 November
Whole School Transition Day Tuesday 13th December
Last day of Term 4 - Friday 16th December, 3.15pm finish
Community Notices