School Newsletter Term 2, Week 2, 25th April 2024
Principals Letter
Term 2 Class Captains & Student Voice
Happy Birthday to...
PAM - Student Photo Permissions
Term 2 Learning
STAR Students
Bus Travel & Conveyance Allowance
Lunch box ideas
2024 School Fees & Levies
Medical Information
Student Medical Information
Child Safety
Uniform Shop
PAM - Parent Access Module
Parking & Road Safety
Bell times
Parish News
School Approved Scrunchies
Advanced dates for your diary
Community Notices
Principals Letter

Dear St Augustine's families,
Welcome back to Term 2, we have already seen the change in daylight savings and the mornings a little lighter but the evenings closing in a little sooner. With a busy term ahead, please keep checking the calendar, newsletter and Dojo for upcoming events. This week the Foundation children went on their very first excursion to the Ballarat Wildlife Park. The children's behaviour was exemplary, some highlights included feeding the kangaroos and Chrunch the Croc. There was certainly many tired little and big people upon return, thanks to Bella, Bec, Nicole, Vanessa and Shaylah who enabled this exciting opportunity to take place. A timely rest day yesterday. The rest of the term's curriculum will be focussed on animals and learning all about them.
Catholic Education Week is a time when we give thanks for Catholic Education and all the wonderful things that happen in all our schools in the Diocese. Next week our school will be open on Tuesday and Thursday morning for prospective families to tour our school and have a look inside the classrooms. Thursday after school we also have a 'Come and Try' night for prospective families where the kinder children can come and play some games at school. Next Friday, we will celebrate Mass with the Parish for Catholic Education Week. After Mass children will gather in their House teams for some games. Children can wear house colours next Friday.
Central Goldfields Community Festival: This Saturday in Phillips Gardens form 11-4pm. St Augustines will be having a stall so come along and say hello.
Building update: As you can see there has been a lot of change happening with the building project over the last couple of weeks. The 3/4 classroom is now finished and Mr Pat Grace and Mrs Anna Gardiner are now settled in their new room. The new building structure that you can see that extends over the playground area is the new staffroom and planning space, where the staffroom was, is now Principal Office, DP office, Finance Office and main office. The front entrance is also being worked on at the moment with an entry that encompasses a ramp to provide accessibility for all. The project is on track for completion in September of this year.
Staffing update: After 17 years at St Augustines Deidre Polinelli has resigned from her position as a Learning Support Officer. Deidre has worked with many children and run our tattslotto for a number of years. We thank Deidre for her service and wish her all the best in the future.
Celia Jardine has been our Finance Officer for the last 6 years and managed not only all the running finances of our school but our building project to date. We thank Celia for her attention to detail, expertise and diligence in this crucial area of our school. She has managed our finances with diligence and professionalism. Celia is looking forward to joining her husband on their family farm. We welcome Mrs Jaclyn Beer to this new role and look forward to her joining our team.
Thank you to those from our school community that came and marched yesterday to remember and honour those fallen men and women who so bravely fought for our freedom. Just as Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice for us we honour and pray with thanks to these special people.
The dawn breaks, the silence falls,
Remembering the brave, one and all.
Their sacrifice we honour true.
Their courage we remember anew.
From Gallipoli to the Kokoda Trail,
We hail their legacy and may we never fail.
To stand in silence and pay our respects,
To the ANZACS and their noble effects.
Lest we forget, may their memory live on
And may we strive for peace, until it's won. Unknown
MAY 24th will NOT be a pupil free day due to Lightning Premiership being scheduled on this day.
Friday 31st May will now be a Pupil Free Day for our staff ReLate PD. Students do not come to school on this day.
Mother's Day Liturgy has changed to Friday May 10th at 9:30am.
Next P&F meeting Friday 3rd May 9:00am in the Marian Centre. All welcome, bring a friend.
Congratulations to Natasha & Sam on the safe arrival of twin girls, Lily & Remi. Little sisters to Alexis in Foundation & Hannah in Year 3. Double the joy and double the chaos! Warm wishes for a lifetime of happiness.
Many blessing,
Mrs Sonia Turner

Term 2 Class Captains & Student Voice
Happy Birthday to...

Ella G - Year 1 Hannah P -Year 3 Lily E - Year 2 Evie L - Year 6
Connor M - Year 5 Rory S - Foundation
PAM - Student Photo Permissions

PAM - Student Photo/Video Permissions
We are now required to obtain student photo/video permissions yearly for each student. Previously this was a form that was completed upon enrolment of your child.
Permissions are now to be completed through PAM. Please log on and you will be promped to complete 5 Yes/No questions for each child as follows;
*Student Photo Permission for DOBCEL/CECV using my child's photograph/video
*Student Photo Permission for materials promoting the school
*Student Photo Permission for newspapers and other media
*Student Photo Permission for School social media channels
*Student Photo Permission for School Website
To access the PAM portal go to:
If you are unable to access your PAM portal, please contact the school office when Term 2 commences or email your request to

Book Club catalogues were sent home with students last week. All orders are to be placed through LOOP, instructions as attached.
Each purchase accrues points which are used to purchase library books and resources for our school so thank you to all who may purchases.
Orders are due in by Monday 6th May.
PROMOTION FOR Issue 3 - $5 credit towards Issue 4. Details below.

Term 2 Learning

Dear Parents and Caregivers,
St Augustine’s is very excited to introduce a new initiative to help support the wellbeing of your students and better resource key staff. After all, happy and well supported students are better equipped to learn and succeed.
Because parenting doesn’t come with instructions, SchoolTV is an online wellbeing resource that can support you in the challenges of modern-day parenting. This award-winning resource helps build relationships, foster connections, enable understanding and break down barriers to navigate a pathway towards better mental health and wellbeing for young people. It can assist you in starting conversations on topics that are sometimes awkward or difficult to tackle.
Parenting is a learning journey and SchoolTV supports families by providing credible information from trusted sources offering practical strategies with a focus to empower confidence when difficulties arise.
We invite you to visit our SchoolTV site and view the content. Discover a host of interesting topics featuring interviews with leading youth wellbeing experts and researchers from around the world offering hours of relevant and practical information. Additionally, each topic includes a compilation of related resources from key organisations providing a comprehensive stream of content. Resources include informative fact sheets, articles, apps, books, podcasts, websites, and other videos - all related to a single topic, in one place for easy access!
Start exploring SchoolTV today!
STAR Students

At St Augustine's we are a SWPBIS school (School Wide Positive Behaviour in School) and we have a STAR culture. STAR stands for:
S - stay safe
T - take pride
A - act justly
R - respond positively
Just like children are explicitly taught academics, acceptable behaviour is also explicitly taught. STAR awards are given at Assembly each fortnight, exceptional STARs are sent a postcard which qualifies them to morning tea with the Principal at the end of the term.
STAR lessons are taught around a nominated behaviour blitz. Children are taught how to be a STAR in all places they go and what the acceptable behaviour looks like. Examples of a lessons: how to stay safe in class, in the library, the toilet, at the bus stop, on the playground or when walking to the swimming pool.
Bus Travel & Conveyance Allowance

Bus travel on the country buses is available for students at St Augustine’s School and arrangements are made through the bus co-ordinator, Heather Jennings, at the Maryborough Education Centre on 5461 7900. Parents of the student/s must organise the pass through MEC at least two days prior to travel. Students cannot travel on the country buses without a pass. The town bus does not require a pass but costs 50cents a trip, payable on the day of travel. Please advise the office if your child will be travelling on any of the buses so we can update our bus rolls.
All bus travel requires parents/guardians to complete a Public Transport Victoria (PTV) Application for Permission to Travel form prior to any bus travel. This form can be emailed direct to Heather Jennings at MEC, It is important that this form is completed as these details will be used in the event of an emergency.
PTV forms are now required to be updated and completed yearly by all families who have bus travellers.
An application on behalf of a student may be submitted if the student is:
- a Victorian resident.
- school aged and enrolled (3) three or more days per week at a school; and
- attending a school/campus located outside the Melbourne metropolitan conveyance boundary
A student who meets the above requirements may be eligible if they:
- attend their nearest or designated neighbourhood government school/campus appropriate to their year level, at which admission is permissible, or
- attend their nearest appropriate non-government school/campus appropriate to their year level, at which admission is permissible, and
- reside 4.8km or more by the shortest practicable route from the campus attended

Camp, Sports, Excursion Fund (CSEF)
The Department of Education and Training financial assistance for parents to assist with the costs of camps, sports and excursions/incursions for their children. If you hold a valid means-tested concession card as of 29th January 2024 and/or 15th April 2024 you may be eligible for CSEF. Holders of non-means tested concession cards, such as Carer Allowance cards, are not eligible for CSEF
For new claimants, a form is available from the school office to be completed and the relevant card presented to the office. Alternatively you can use the link below to the digital copy of the form and email through to along with a photo of your card.
Parents who received CSEF in 2023 do not need to complete a form unless additional students need to be included.
The annual amount per primary student is $150.00
Family Fee Assistance (FFA)
The Catholic Education Office provides Family Fee Assistance for eligible families to assist in reducing the amount paid for the Tuition Fee and Capital Fee. Full details and ‘Letter of Offer’ will be sent to families based on successful CSEF applications or as per arrangements discussed with the Principal.
We welcome all students and their families who share or respect our Catholic faith, values and traditions. Catholic education is supported by State and Federal funding, with families contributing the balance of the cost of educating their children. At times, some families are unable to meet their commitment to the full costs of education. As a Catholic school system, we ensure fee relief mechanisms are available to support families in time of need. We encourage these discussions on enrolment or as these needs emerge.
Lunch box ideas

2024 School Fees & Levies
Term 2 Fee Statements will be sent out this week.
ALL Resource Fees and Year 5/6 Camp fees are now outstanding. Payment can be made via EFTPOS or cash at the school office, credit card over the phone or direct deposit to our account.
We welcome all students and their families who share or respect our Catholic faith, values and traditions. Catholic education is supported by State and Federal funding, with families contributing the balance of the cost of educating their children. At times, some families are unable to meet their commitment to the full costs of education. As a Catholic school system, we ensure fee relief mechanisms are available to support families in time of need. We encourage these discussions on enrolment or as these needs emerge.
Medical Information

Concussion – Important information
If your child has experienced concussion, it is important that you follow recommended medical advice. Returning to school can be a graduated approach with the aim of increasing tolerance to a full day, the same situation could occur with sport. It is always important to check with your doctor and seek medical treatment after a child sustains a concussion.
It is important to inform the school if your child has sustained a concussion outside of the school setting so we can monitor for ongoing symptoms and adapt activities if required.
This factsheet link below from the Royal Children’s Hospital is valuable to read and understand.
There is also a great evidence-based app from the Murdoch children’s research institute that walks you through what to do in the result of a concussion.
Student Medical Information

If your child is unwell please keep them at home.
This includes coughs, colds, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea and any other contagious illnesses.
Coughs & Colds
Children can return to school once symptoms have eased and they are not actively coughing or blowing their nose.
Vomitting & Diarrhoea
Children can return to school 48 hours after the last episode.
We will send children home if they present with any of these symptoms whilst at school.
Notifying Absences
All absentee notifications should be recorded either through the Parent Access Module (PAM) or directly to the school office by phone or email to prior to 9.30am on the day of the absence. Please do not send notes of absence through to classroom teachers on Class Dojo as they may be absent or unable to check messages prior to commencement of class.
If a student is absent and we have not received any form of notification by 9.30am, a text message will be sent to parents asking them to call the office or send a reply text.
Child Safety
St. Augustine's Primary School Maryborough demonstrates a strong commitment to the care, safety and wellbeing of all students at our school.
All of our Child Safe policies and procedures are accessible on our website through the link below.
Uniform Shop

Uniform orders will continue to be filled and sent home with your child(ren) weekly. If you would like to enquire about secondhand uniform, please send a message to Amber on Class Dojo with your required items and sizes and we will send home what we can supply, $5 per item.
School hats are compulsory in Term 1, up until 30th April of Term 2 & Term 4. No hat, no play!
Bucket Hats available from the front office and the uniform shop for $10.
If you have any queries or items to be exchanged, please contact the school office.
Note: There is no longer a designated period for summer or winter uniform. Students can choose what they would like to wear in any season. The only exception is that sports uniform must be worn on designated sports days and bucket hats are to be worn in Term 1 and 4.

If you call the office and the phone is unattended or busy, please leave a message. Messages are checked regularly throughout the day. Often there is only one person in the office and they may be busy on another call or with a student or parent. Alternatively you can email a message through to or send a class dojo through to Ms O'Kearney. Please try and avoid last minute end of day changes for students. We understand that things do come up and if a change needs to be urgently relayed to your child/ren, please call and speak with the office so we can make sure they get the message immediately.
Please note with the temporary office relocation we only have one phone line in so please leave a message and we will return your call ASAP.
PAM - Parent Access Module

We require ALL families to complete and update their child/ren’s medical details and contact information for 2023 through PAM and throughout the year as changes occur.
This information is mandatory and vital in the case of an emergency. It is important that if you have any change to your contact numbers, including work place, mobile, home number, that these be updated through PAM and to advise the school office.
To complete your child/rens medical profile including contact information, go to PAM, click on your child/rens name, go to 'Medical Profile' and click 'Edit Details'. Complete details then click in the box at the bottom of the page to confirm the details are correct and click ‘Update Details’.
If you have any questions or require your login details, please contact the school office.

All orders must be placed through CDFPay prior to 9.00am Fridays. Please ensure you complete all orders on CDFPay and proceed through payment screen to the green receipt screen.
Please contact the office if you are having any issues with your CDFPay account.
Parking & Road Safety

Parking behind the church & tennis courts is STAFF ONLY parking. Please do not use these areas to park or pickup your children. Vehicle movement in and out of these areas means you are driving over footpaths/walkways which both our students and Highview students are using. This creates a potential safety hazard.
Follow road safety regulations, keep driveways clear, check carefully before reversing and avoid letting your children exit or enter a car whilst on the road or stopped at the crossings. Please do not double park. We all want to keep our families safe so your co-operation is appreciated.
Please observe road rules around our school for the safety of all of our children.
* Schools have 40km zone.
* Parking behind the church & tennis courts is STAFF ONLY parking.
* Please use the children's crossing on Burns, Kars St and Burke St.
* For safety purposes, please avoid letting your children exit or enter a car whilst on the road or stopped at the crossings. Please do not double park.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Bell times

5 minutes prior to classes commencing there is music played. This signals to the children it is time to start moving to class. This is the time children need to have a drink, go to the toilet etc. so they are lined up and ready to start class when the bell goes.
8:30am - Yard Care Supervision begins
8:45am - Classroom teacher in classroom - meet & greet
8:55pm - School classes begin
9am-11am - 2 hour learning session
11am-11:40am - First break
11:40am-1:40pm - 2 hour learning session
1:40pm-2:20pm - Second break
2:20pm-3:15pm - 55 minute learning session
3:10pm - Fiscalini & Flanagan dismissal
3:15pm - Arundell & Scanlan, Bus students dismissal
Parish News

Please see link below for the latest Parish Bulletin & readings.
School Approved Scrunchies

School approved Scrunchies are for sale in the school foyer for $5 each.
$1 from each scrunchie sold goes to our Energy Breakthrough Program.
We now also have coloured scrunchies for sale. These are 'not ok to be worn on a school day'. $1 from each scrunchie sold goes to our EBT program.
Lots of different patterns and colours available so come check them out!
Advanced dates for your diary
Pupil Free days - Students do not come to school on these days.
Friday 31st May - Pupil Free Day - Staff ReLate PD day
Please see the link to the school calendar below for all other important dates.
Community Notices