Welcome to St Augustine's Primary School Maryborough
At St. Augustine’s School we believe that children flourish and learning is more effective if it takes place in a caring and safe environment, where individual needs are addressed and challenged. It is our wish that as children progress through the school they will be exposed to many and varied experiences to reach their full potential as Christian people, confident in themselves and willing to make a worthwhile contribution to other people and to the world in which they live.
Education at St. Augustine’s Parish Primary School is based on the person of Jesus Christ. We are a Catholic community and we have Jesus’ promise that He is always with us.
“I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” (Jn 10:10)

The following Gospel values are at the core of our school community:
Justice & Compassion Community & Trust
Respect & Dignity Faith & Commitment
As a Catholic staff that responds to the presence of Jesus and aspires to live out these Gospel values, we will ensure that:
In all our interactions with each other,
our students and our community:
we will Respect one another,
be Open in our views,
respond Justly with Compassion,
seek for Reconciliation in conflict,
and look for Joy in every moment.
St Augustine’s is a Professional Learning Community
We focus on learning rather than teaching.
We work collaboratively in matters related to learning.
We hold ourselves collectively responsible for the kinds of results that fuel continual improvement.
Learning is our FUNDAMENTAL purpose.
We are willing to examine all practices in light of their impact on learning.
Professional Learning Community message for teachers, parents and students:
Learning is required.
You can and will be successful here.
You may not choose to fail.
We want you to feel connected, get involved, be successful
You can think about and choose your attitude

“St Augustine’s Catholic School community ensures that all children are nurtured and aspired learners, who will ‘Have life and have it abundantly’ (John 10:10)”
To fulfil this vision we:
•Commit to nurturing a religious education built on the Gospel values of Jesus Christ with respect to Catholic tradition and the Brigidine heritage;
•Facilitate learning in an inclusive and supportive Child Safe school environment, celebrating achievement. We develop their social, emotional, spiritual and intellectual growth to empower them to reach their full potential;
•Challenge and engage children in a stimulating and dynamic educational and contemporary environment;
•Engage with our parents, extended and parish families to ensure that St. Augustine’s embodies connectedness, ownership and responsibility by all members of the community;
•Commit to working collaboratively to ensure results are achieved through on-going collective inquiry.

Democratic Principles
St Augustine's Primary School adheres to the six (6) principles of Australian democracy:
(a) elected government; and
(b) the rule of law; and
(c) equal rights for all before the law; and
(d) freedom of religion; and
(e) freedom of speech and association; and
(f) the values of openness and tolerance